thots on LiFe??

this is just the beginning of everything

Friday, July 18, 2003


all these online blogging just makes my mind go blank whenever i wanna pour my heart out...well actually my ideas of pracrastinating about life will usually come in my mind in the evenings..when everytihng is over and when i'm walking alone from the LRT back home..i felt that i wanted to write something there and then because the words in my head just couldn't stop blabbering..i wanna write about the attitude our public nowadays..(Malaysians)on how they judge oneself by only looking on the outer appearance(sometimes i do the same..heh) jobscope require's me to be able to communicate with all levels of staff and somehow it had really open my mind on a few perspective of things..especially on how u bring ur body language and ur facial expressions that can really change one's thought about the other

my favourite quote - ignoRance is bLiss

bought a book by Danielle Steel at Pay Less Books(something for me to cuddle with at night before i doze off to la-la land)

Thursday, July 17, 2003

pEr!Ls oF bE!nG thE "fRonT- oNe" itsy-bitsy problem of being in a "position" like i am now is prolly the look u can get when ppl come to the front door..its either they're gonna smile atcha OR they're just gonna ignore u and come !n without giving any acknowledgence of who u wanna meet or sumthin like that..sometimes these ppl can really piss me off..but hey , wut the heck??!! i dont really care much as long as both parties dont intend to complain about each other behind backs..

ignoRance is bLiss

to my dearest frens(eg:hani,effa,ili,yana,mimah,linda, and sesape lagi sspians yg tak pi gath kat umah shera atas sebab2 yg tak dapek nak diELAK)..jom buat gath again..nanti mase si Melissa balik Malaysia yek? kita nGobrol di KLCC!!

k.izan's add:

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

am i buTa IT oR ceLik IT??yearGh.. seems that my "links" is nowhere to be seen now..i don't know what happened to the html codes that i've changed but i think its ay-okay laaa..cant seem to find error..hurmm..anyone out there care to help??

my other site - (hOp !n) is currently "tak disentuh" by me because i'm thinking of a suitable topic to talk about..

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

heavy fLowiN'

yea har..har..i know, new colours..a very funky BUT serabut colours kann??
got to know the html codes for the colours from tripod.gear

yeye!today's Felicity!!!tak sabar nak tengok...second day for Bee training at his workplace..
sakit perot...

Monday, July 14, 2003

anoTher weeK just Passed bY

Oh My so sad today,my morning happiness just turned into pure sadness and devastation when this person walks in and telling me that she's here for an interview for the IT position(the position that i wanted to ask En Nik(HR Exec) of TODAY!) soo verrryy sadd....i really wanted that position so badly..well,i would want to ask En Nik later today,if the POSITION is actually still OPEN??!!
